Júlia Vécsei has been working with various types of media. But her interests first turned to new media, more exactly computer-based flash-video. Vécsei’s work in the early 2000’s often responded to everyday topics of urban life. Closely combined works of her are the Juligraph an online flash project, where you can rearrange the surroundings of the artist like you were playing with a dollhouse. Júlia Vécsei’s video and computer-based animations used to respond to the phenomenon of globalism, fondly using maps, and economical terminology together with random-generated situations. One of her first solo-shows wore the name „Capitalisation” reproducating a map of Budapest (the hungarian capital) with the typography of the word „capitalisation” itself.
Her video-animation and affinity to drawing escalates and combines in the work entitled „with the same scale” created in 2008. The artist draws exact maps of european states from the same amount of graphite dust and blows them away, as an allegory of unity and borderlessness.
Vécsei has been recently busy with the techniques of aquarelle and drawing as well. Her works – finely positioned between the registers of the sensual and of the concept – are articulating very personal and intimate stories, with a great affinity to combine aphorisme-like text in the manner of visual representation of zen-buddhism. The black and white drawings and the bit more colorfull aquarelles contain the minimal visual inputs what this kind of paper-based conceptualism needs. The works are not that humorous like what would be usual for her generation dealing with the same techniques, but because of this are tending to be more precise.
She’s combining aquarelles with different forms of installation art in her work „It has been cut somewhere” where she recycled an intimate story into a horror-installation. Her neighbour cut the tree which was planted at her birth in order to have a bigger panorama. She took this private experience and transformed it to an allegory of rootlessness, exhibiting bleeding pieces of a tree cast out of elastic silicon.
Júlia Vécsei since 2007 published 9 issues of her independent limited edition fanzine called „drawing paper” which is dedicated to drawing. The fanzines contain drawings of single artists or groups working together, without any text, thus enabling the zine to become an artwork itself without bearing the traces of journalism.
Áron Fenyvesi
2012 –
Innen Zines, coordination
2008 – 2010
Member of the Gallery committee, Labor
2007 – 2010
Head of the Studio of Young Artists Association
2006 – 2020
Editor and founder of klorofill, an independent publisher
2006 – 2010
Board member of the Studio of Young Artists Association
2002 – 2004
Hungarian Academy of Crafts and Design, Budapest, Management Institute, Art Manager Faculty
2001 –
Member of the Studio of Young Artists Association
2001 –
Diploma examination Media Art (MA)
1999 – 2020
klorofill (Art Company)
1996 – 2001
Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest, Intermedia Department
1991 – 1995
School of Fine Art and Design, Budapest, Department of Photography
2021 –
a-i-r, Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum, Barcsay Múzeum, Szentendre
2020 –
LuppArt Residency, Lupa Island
2019 –
LuppArt Residency, Lupa Island
2016 –
artist-in-residence, Kunstiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart (D)
2014 –
D’Clinic Studios, Lendava, (SK)
35. Vikat Workshop, Paksi Képtár, Paks
Visegrad Artist Residency Program, Triangle Arts Association, New York (USA)
2013 –
artist-in-residence, Krinzinger Projekte, Petőmihályfa
2012 –
creatives-in-residence, Zhejiang, (CH) (Sunhoo)
artist in residence, Space, Bratislava (SK)
2010 – 2011
artist-in-residence, Ateliers Höherweg, Dusseldorf (D)
2010 –
Ano_Lino 2010 symposium, Banská Stanica, Banská Stiavnica (SK)
2008 –
artist in residence, Novia, Nykarleby (FI)
artist in residence, Futura, Prague (CZ)
2007 –
Intermodem workshop, Modem, Debrecen
2006 – 2008
Derkovits scholarship
2001 –
Oszkár Glatz Prize, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
1997 –
Oszkár Glatz Prize, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
1997 – 1999
C3 – Center for Culture & Communication Scholarship
Experimental break, Kisterem, Budapest
Winterreise (with Zsolt Tibor), Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Presence, Kisterem, Budapest
Reality Exercises, Kisterem, Budapest
Open Studio, Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart (GER)
The Promise, OFF-Biennale Budapest, OFFice, Budapest
Swing Existence, Paksi Képtár, Paks
Down on the Square, Kisterem, Budapest
With Measure, Liget Gallery, Budapest
Proof, Kisterem, Budapest
Die Korrektur, Ateliers Höherweg, Düsseldorf (D)
Cube mute, vierwände kunst festival, Ateliers Höherweg, Düsseldorf (D)
Aftermath, Dinamika Gallery, Pécs
Cube mute (with M. Esterhazy, J. Fodor), Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf (D)
Particles, (with Kamilla Szíj), Kisterem, Budapest (HU)
Open Studio, Paperman, Karlín Studios, guest studio, Prague (CZ)
measure, Kisterem, Budapest
Somewhere it had been cut, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Reconstruction, Hungarian Cultural Institute, Bratislava (SK)
CAPITALIZATION, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Anne Brégeaut, Júlia Vécsei, Espace culturel les Dominicaines, Pont-l’Eveque (FR)
Don’t help me, C3 Gallery, Budapest
Apollo’s Decathlon, Chateau de Montsoreau - Museum of Contemporary Art (FR)
Technocool. New Trends in Hungarian Art in the Nineties (1989–2001), Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Innovation in Contemporary Drawing and Printmaking Art III., Fuga, Budapest
LuppArt 2023, Einspach Fine Art & Photography, Budapest
Winter Listing, Kisterem Gallery, Budapest
Contemporary Hungarian Graphic Exhibition, 11th International Biennial of Drawing and Graphic Arts - online exhibition
Delineo Ergo Cogito, Vasarely Museum, Budapest
Finally We Can Learn Something, Kincsem Palace (organised by Kisterem), Budapest
Köztes hely - a valóság és a psziché között, Selection of Paper Works from Private Collections, Gallery Weekend Budapest Pop-up Exhibition, Société, Budapest
Luppart x Unicef, Brody House, Budapest
Salon, Exhibition of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Barcsay Hall, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest
Action&Painting, Galerie Stadt Sindelfingen, Sindelfingen (D)
The Formula of the Present, Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants, A Media Art and Media History exhibition by C³ Foundation, New Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Listing VI, Kisterem, Budapest
Abstract Hungary, Künstlerhaus, Halle für Kunst & Medien, Graz (AT)
Solstice, Panel Contemporary, Zsófi Faur Gallery, Budapest
Listing V, Kisterem, Budapest
Line, Latarka Gallery, Budapest
What Kind of Creature is an Artist?, The 2016 Traditional Annual Exhibition of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Kisterem Gallery, Budapest
38 Women, VII. Sándor Péterfy street 42, Budapest
Esterhazy Award 2015, National Museum, Budapest
The Lake of Memory, Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Playground, Macar Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul (TR)
The Lake of Memory, Pegazus, Szentbékkálla
Listing IV, Kisterem, Budapest
Eat Art Masterclass 2, Food And Memory, Tradition, OFF-Biennale Budapest, Budapest
Klorofill Night, Independent Contemporary Art Scene in New York, Screening and Talk, Book Launch, OFF-Biennale Budapest, Lumen, Budapest
AIR - Sri Lanka / Hungary, Artists in Residence 2013/2014, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna (AT)
Underline, Drawing Experiments, MAMÜ, Budapest
There is everything, Latarka, Platán Gallery, Budapest
Nykarleby recall – Coming Back, BOTHNIA BIENNALE 2014, Rådhusgalleriet, Nykarleby (FIN)
Domesticity V, Kayu, Bali (ID)
Listing III., Kisterem, Budapest
Pandamonium Preview // Interpixel, Media Art from Shanghai and Budapest, .CHB, Berlin (D)
Open Studios, Triangle Arts Association, New York (USA)
Call me on Sunday, Krinzinger Projekte, Vienna (AT)
Free-hand, Modem, Debrecen
Gallery by Night, Typesetting, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Playground project, Stand Out Every Week, Contemporary Art in front of Kunsthalle, Budapest
Listing 2013, Kisterem, Budapest
4th Notes and Sketches meeting, Labor, Budapest
Do it (party), (with Kamilla Szíj), tranzit.hu, Budapest
My Little Cloud, Dovin Gallery, Budapest
Flash Art – Pop-up Art Exhibition, 8, Nagymező street, next to Ernst Museum, Budapest
Drawing.ok, Viltin Gallery, Budapest
Good Sign, Gallery by Night 2012, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Curators’ Network – Budapest / Critical Tinkering, portfolio-exhibition and presentations, Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Cell, Akvárium, Budapest
Cell, Modem, Debrecen
Cell, Cella Septichora, Pécs
Listing, Kisterem, Budapest
Sans repères, Hungarian Institute, Paris (FR)
Spicy Collection Selection, Hungarian Academy Rome. Rome (IT)
Background, Kisterem, Budapest (with J. Fodor, J. Sugár, Z. Szegedy-Maszák)
Exhibition of the artists shortlisted for the Leopold Bloom Art Award, Museum Kiscell - Municipal Picture Gallery, Budapest
Speaks for itself, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Grafitri XXV, Mimetic machineries, Miskolci Gallery, Miskolc
3rd Notes and Sketches meeting, Labor, Budapest
Videa - Contemporary Women Video Art, Miskolci Gallery / M.ICA, Miskolc
Drawing?, Exhibition House of the Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Liberation Formula II., donumenta 2010–Ungarn, Kunstforum, Regensburg (D)
Ano_Lino 2010, Banská Stanica, Banská Stiavnica (SK)
Hablegény improvizációk – Hungarian Lettre Internationale event, Labor, Budapest
2nd Notes and Sketches meeting, Labor, Budapest
Contemporary drawing Košice-Prague-Budapest, Labor, Budapest
Trieste Contemporanea, videospritz #4, Studio Tommaseo, Trieste (IT)
3rd Biennial of Quadrilateral - Angles and Intersections, International exhibition of new media art, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Rijeka (HR)
Contemporary drawing Košice-Prague-Budapest, VICE gallery, Prague (CZ)
Contemporary drawing Košice-Prague-Budapest, Kasárne Kulturpark, Košice (SK)
Derkovits scholars, Ernst Museum, Budapest
Crosstalk, video art festival, Gödör Klub, Budapest
Paper Base, Irokéz Gallery, Szombathely
Notes and Sketches meeting, Labor, Budapest
Images Festival, Toronto (CA)
Nothing but AiR, Konsthalle, Vaasa (FIN)
Move on, Futura - Centre for Contemporary Art, Prague (CZ)
Indoor and Outdoor, Kisterem, Budapest (with János Fodor, Barbara Follard and student of the Space Diversion Work Group, organised by Antal Lakner)
Founded houses, Volksbank Gallery, Székesfehérvár (with Eike, Tibor Horváth, Gyula Várnai)
Derkovits scholars, Ernst Museum, Budapest
partition_, Modem, Debrecen
6éme Festival Signes de Nuit, Selection de la Video Art hongroise, Fondation Suisse, Cité Universitaire, Paris (FR)
without borders 4., Limes Gallery, Komarno (SK)
metro gallery 2007, Budapest
Horror – Gallery by Night 07, Studio Gallery, Budapest
net.art2 – AniMotion, House of Future, Pixel Gallery, Budapest
Click, House of Future, Budapest
Intermodem workshop, Modem, Debrecen
On Air, A show substituting tv program, Institute for Contemporary Arts – Dunaújváros (HU)
Derkovits scholars, Ernst Museum, Budapest (HU)
Peng! raum für kunst, Mannheim (D)
City. Image. Narration., Impex (Dinamo), Budapest
Notes and Sketches, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Ez nem diszkó, Hattyú House Contemporary Exhibition Space, Pécs
Portfolio all, Studio Gallery, Budapest
techno-d, Institute for Contemporary Arts – Dunaújváros
Private Matter?, Kunsthalle, Budapest
Snapshot. Media Arts / 2005, Intro Festival, Kunsthalle, Budapest
Green Wind, A selection of Video and Photo works by Young Artists, Info-Stand, Budapest
Active Image, Media Art in Hungary, NCCA, Moscow (RUS)
Gallery by Night 2005, Studio Gallery, Budapest
2005 Space Art, Media Art installations at the Millenaris, Budapest
Game, Deák Erika Gallery, Budapest
Aura, After the Age of Technical Reproduction, media art exhibition, Millenaris, Budapest
Inelastic Collision, Institute for Contemporary Arts – Dunaújváros
Centrum Beeldende Kunst, Dordrecht (NL)
Art Primeur 2002, Dordrecht (NL)
Systematica, SAIC, Chicago (US)
Medi@terra 01. De-Globalizing/Re-Globalizing, mikroMuseum, Athen, Lavrion (GR), Sofia (BG), Belgrade (RS), Maribor (SLO), Osnabrueck, Frankfurt (D)
“Je regretterais beaucoup si tu pensais que tu ne reçois ce à quoi tu as droit…”, FRAC, Basse-Normandie, Caen (FR) Virose.pt
Diploma Exhibition, Intermedia Department of the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, 2001: science + fiction, Media Art Festival of the C3 Foundation, Barcsay Hall, Budapest
Aritmia 2000, Institute for Contemporary Arts – Dunaújváros
Intermedia Symposion, Kunsthalle, Budapest
Sony's Heart, Young artists online, Berlin (D)
Intermedia/khm, Exhibition due to 10th anniversary of the Academy of Media Arts, Overstolzenhouse, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne (D)
Intermedia Inductive Point of Junction, Galeria Medium, Bratislava (SK)
Intermedia Inductive Point of Junction, P60 Gallery, Budapest
“Kunst der neunziger Jahre in Ungarn”, Akademie der Künste, Berlin (D)
Alibi Fashion, Trafo, House of Contemporary Arts, Budapest
Chromatic Etude, Kunsthalle, Budapest
Inter/Media/Art, Ernst Museum, Budapest
Staticnoise3Project, Dominican House, Pécs
Exposured World, I. National Week of Photography, Arts and Crafts Museum, Budapest
Internet Galaxis III., Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest
Internet Galaxis II., Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest
rajzlap (Drawing-paper) (zine project)
“If theory wouldn’t be enough”, Selection from the fanzine collection of Labor Gallery, ISBN Gallery, Budapest (HU)
Ukmukfukk Zinefest, Ankert, Budapest
Friends with Books: Art Book Fair Berlin, Hamburger Bahnhof, Berlin (D)
Drawing-paper 16. IPUT, Basic Position
Invisible Press, fanzine exhibition, Macar Kültür Merkezi, Istanbul, Turkey
The Screaming Mouse / Historical FANZINE Inventory, Higgs Field, Budapest
MISS READ, The Berlin Art Book Fair, abc Art Berlin Contemporary, Berlin
4th Independent Publishers and Zine Fair Vienna, Kunsthalle, Wien (AT)
Világosan itt áll!, Exhibition of the Studio of Young Artists – 2012, ICA-D, Dunaújváros
Zine’s Mate, Tokyo Art Book Fair, Tokyo (JP)
3rd One Day Independent Small Publishers Fair, Kunsthalle, Wien (AT)
Cantieroteca Archivio del Cantiere, Careof, Fabbrica del Vapore, Milan (IT)
topo ! ©opy / The Shelf Library, DOK, Ghent (BEL)
Unfree Freedom: An Exploration of Identity in Central Europe, Columbia College Chicago, Center for Book and Paper Arts, Chicago (USA)/p>
rajzlap 13 / 14 / 15 Gerhes Gábor / Svätopluk Mikyta (SK) / Szinyova Gergő, Labor,
U-Fesztivál, Budapest
Thanks for sharing!, D21 Kunstraum, Leipzig (D)
rajzlap 12. Barnabás Vándor & Csaba Vándor, ahol bújtál onnan hunyok – hide and seek, Labor, Budapest
rajzlap 11. Dezső Szabó, Vintage Gallery, Budapest
rajzlap 10. Jan Serych, Beep Beep, Labor, Budapest
rajzlap 9. János Sugár, Kisterem, Budapest
The Mechanics of the Canvas, Ernst Museum, Budapest
rajzlap 8. Société Réaliste, The Mechanics of the Canvas, Ernst Museum, Budapest
rajzlap 7. Eva Kotátková, The Mechanics of the Canvas, Ernst Museum, Budapest
Open Studio, Karlín Studios, residence studio, Prague (CZ)
rajzlap 6. Josef Bolf, Gallery G66, Brno (CZ)
Gallery_Tour, Leipzig (D)
rajzlap 5. Tibor Horváth, Reaktor, Budapest
rajzlap 4. Judit Fischer, Reaktor, Budapest
Studio Gallery, Budapest
Preview Berlin, Berlin (D)
rajzlap 3. Miklós Mécs, Studio of Young Artists Association (FKSE), 3rd Atelier, Budapest
On Air, A show substituting tv program – Freeshop, Institute for Contemporary Arts – Dunaújváros
rajzlap 2. Beatrix Szörényi, Studio Gallery, Budapest
rajzlap 1. János Fodor, Kamikaze, KÉK, Budapest
Spot (zine project)
“If theory wouldn’t be enough”, Selection from the fanzine collection of Labor Gallery, ISBN Gallery, Budapest
Curated Tables by Peter Puklus at C/O Berlin Book Days, EMOP, Helmut Newton Foundation, Berlin (D)
FKSE.zip – Gallery by Night 2016, Mentés Másként, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Klorofill Night, Independent Contemporary Art Scene in New York, Screening and Talk, OFF-Biennale Budapest, Lumen, Budapest
Move on, Futura, Prague (CZ)
készlet (set) project
Klorofill Night, Independent Contemporary Art Scene in New York, Screening
and Talk, OFF-Biennale Budapest, Lumen, Budapest
Készlet 2. Miklós Surányi, Forma, Budapest
Készlet 1. Ádám Kokesch, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Paperman, 2009, Kisterem
Spot Prague, 2008, Klorofill
Spot New York, 2015, Klorofill
HF (Homework), 2000 (with Adrian Kupcsik)
WW, 1999 (with Adrian Kupcsik)