born in Košice, Slovakia, 1988
lives and works in Budapest





2008 – 2014

Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Department of Painting and Intermedia

2011 – 2011

Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL London


2023 –

Klára Herczeg prize
Culture Moves residency, Wannsee Contemporary, Berlin (D)
Research internship @ Archive Charlotte Posenenske, Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin, (DE)

2022 –

Research internship @ Archive Charlotte Posenenske, Galerie Mehdi Chouakri, Berlin, (DE)
VARP @ Meetfactory, Prague (CZ)
Strabag AAW shortlist

2021 –

A-i-R @ Petőmihályfa (HU), by Krinzinger Gallery (AT)

2020 –

Peter und Irene Ludwig Stiftung, research stipendum for the year 2021

2019 –

Nomination for the Esterházy Art Award

2017 –

Nomination for the Esterházy Art Award
Visegrad Artist in Residency, Art in General, Brooklyn, New York (USA)

2016 –

Member, Studio of Young Artists Association

2016 –

Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris – residency, Budapest Gallery, Ville de Paris (FR)

2015 – 2017

Derkovits Scholarship

2015 –

National Scientific Students’ Associations Conference
General special prize awarded by the Joint Committees, painting section

2013 –

ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2013 Collector’s Invitation, Transcending Cultures, (AT)

2012 –

Amadeus Art Foundation’s Scholarship

2011 –

Erasmus Scholarship, Chelsea College of Art and Design, UAL London (UK)



Untitleist, Kisterem, Budapest
HALF-LIFE | Wannsee Golf-core, Wannsee Contemporary, Berlin (D)


Picnic on the Driving Range, Schemnitz Gallery, Banská Štiavnica (SK)


Open due to Vacation, Kisterem, Budapest
Dust on a Shelf, Galeria Kabinet T, Zlin (CZ)
Works from the gray zone, Liget Gallery, Budapest


Occam’s City (with Máté Dobokay), Labor, Budapest


Melting Point, Horizont Gallery, Budapest


Offsetting, Horizont Gallery, Budapest
Focus in Defocus (with Emese Fodor) Labor, Budapest


Multifilter (with Bence Pálinkás), Löffler Gallery, Košice
Autoimmun (with Tamás Juhász), Ferencvárosi Helytörténeti Gyűjtemény, Budapest


Temporarily Inside, Chelsea College of Art Project Space, London (UK)
Temporarily Inside, Löffler Gallery, Nuit Blanche 2011, Košice (SK)



Breaking the Frame (Esterhazy AAW 2023), Ludwig Museum, Budapest


Youhu, Kieselbach Gallery, Budapest
Winter Listing, Kisterem, Budapest
AiR, Krinzinger Schottenfeld, Vienna (AT)


Sketch, Kisterem, Budapest
WAMS, aqb Project Space, Budapest


Finally We Can Learn Something, Kincsem Palace (organised by Kisterem), Budapest
Sanctio - Sactrestia, Kővágóőrs


Esterházy Art Award Hungary 2019, Ludwig Museum – Contemporary Art Museum
Listing VIII., Kisterem
Scooter IV – Action of Young Art, Ján Koniarek Gallery, Trnava (SK)
SEKRESTYE Basement edition, Pince Gallery, Budapest
Bauhaus 100, Vasarely Musum, Budapest
Sacrestia visitation, Kővágóőrs camp


Time of our lives? MODEM, Debrecen
Where do we go from here?, 7. Symposium Lytomisl, Galerie Miroslav Kubík (CZ)
Distracting Modernity, Šopa Gallery, Kosice (SK)
Future to be erased completely, Barcsay terem - MKE, Budapest
Listing VII., Kisterem, Budapest
Meanwhile in Painting, Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Book-object, ISBN Books and Gallery, Budapest


Exhibition of the Nominees for Esterhazy Art Award 2017, Ludwig Museum Budapest
DAAVS, DIG Gallery, Košice (SK)
Parallel Vienna, Horizont Gallery, Vienna (AT)
Salt, Labor/Kunstküche, Budapest
Save the last one for me, final show at Art in General – Artist in Residency program, Brooklyn (USA)
Autism as Metaphor, Institute of Conteporary Art, Dunaújváros, and King Saint Stephan Museum, Székesfehérvár
Amygdala – Félelmetes válogatás, Miskolc Graphic Triennial, Miskolc
Derkó 2017, Kunsthalle, Budapest


Interference, Trafó Gallery, Budapest
Discomfort on a tolerable degree, Povvera, Berlin (D)
Seed Capital, m21 Gallery, Pécs
Limbo Fever, Horizont Gallery, Budapest
What Kind of Creature is an Artist? – The SYAA’s Traditional Annual Exhibition, Studio Gallery, Budapest
Accumulator, Budapest Gallery, Budapest
CONNECTIONS (with Máté Dobokay), Labor, Budapest
DERKÓ 2016, Kunsthalle, Budapest


Timebase, New Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Bibliography, Gallery by Night, Studio Gallery
Creation-works, Budapest Gallery, Budapest


Revolution without Movement (with Miklós Mécs, Judit Fischer and András Zalavári), tranzit.sk, Bratislava, (SK)
The Most – The SYAA’s Traditional Annual Exhibition, Budapest
Best of Diploma, MKE, Budapest
Private Nationalism, Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, m21 Gallery, Pécs
Private Nationalism, Kunsthalle, Košice (SK)


ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2013, Transcending Cultures, Essl Museum, Vienna (AT)
Subjective Objects, Latarka, Budapest
Ex Co, Labor, Budapest
X-Ray Texture Pack, Galerie Ulrike Hrobsky, Showroom for Young Art, Vienna (AT)
Liget 30, Olof Palme House, Budapest
Empire P, Institute of Contemporary Art, Dunaújváros
ESSL ART AWARD CEE 2011, Nominees’ Exhibition, Mai Manó House, Budapest
28/31 Exhibition of the New Members of The SYAA, Studio Gallery, Budapest


MalomKörzés, ArtMill, Szentendre


Rock–Paper–Scissors (with Klára Rudas and Misi Szilágyi) N&n Gallery, Budapest
Budapest Flow, Virág Judit Contemporary Gallery, Budapest
Sanjeev’s TV Shop, S&S Electronics, Camberwell, London (UK)


Elements Cuisine, 4D Gallery, Galanta (SK)



TYLER, Patrick: Standardizáció kilátással. Interjú Kristóf Gáborral, Új Művészet, 2021/4 – HUN
SIRBIK, Attila: Az absztrakt leképezés feltérképezése. Kristóf Gábor, Kútvölgyi-Szabó Áron és Szentesi Csaba, Ez nem kunszt, Új Művészet elméleti melléklet, 2021/2
GYÖRGY, Péter: Az eltűnt ország nyomában, Élet és Irodalom, LXIV. /38. – HUN
RIEDER, Gábor: A TÍZES ÉVEK, artkartell.hu
HERMANN, Veronika: Unvisible Cities – HUN
KASZÁS, Gábor: Szabadság a hullámtérben – balkon.art – HUN
MÁRKUS, Eszter: Y-generációs absztraktok – artportal.hu – HUN
MÉSZÁROS, Zsolt: Interferencia – artkartell.hu – HUN
FEKETE, Szilvia: Unotodox absztrakció – Élet és Irodalom, LXI./3. – HUN
Melting Point featured on Footnotes on Art, and Art Viewer – ENG
Melting Point – exhibition catalogue published by Horizont Gallery – HUN/ENG
Porté az Artmagazin Online hU36 sorozatában – HUN
GÖMÖR, Béla: Ipari Antiforradalom – Műértő, 2016 dec.-2017 jan. – HUN
A (2) HÉT MŰTÁRGYA – 01.: Heidi (Kristóf Gábor) – artmagazinonline.hu – HUN
VÁNYA, Zsófia : Talán limbó? – kortarsonline.hu – HUN
VÁNYA, Zsófia : Heidik és kidobott matracok – kortarsonline.hu – HUN
MARGL, Ferenc: Ki az a Heidi? – artportal.hu – HUN
KOSINSKY, Richárd : Klisé után eredeti – artkartell.hu – HUN
MÉLYI, József : Arányos ofszetek – Élet és Irodalom, LIX./25. – HUN
KOCSIS, Katica : Funkicóvesztett, selejt nyomólemezek mint műalkotások – prae.hu – HUN
‘Although the borders are still there, they no more need to be controlled’ – artguideeast.com – ENG
Offsetting – Horizont Gallery – HUN/ENG