born in Veszprém, 1975
lives and works in Budapest


My artistic approach reflects on the different aspects of the means and methods of cultural transmission, i.e. knowledge production, taking into account their changing modes over historical time and geographical space. I address these socio-political issues through aesthetics and through artworks. Therefore, the crafting of the works, the artistic form, the value of the skill, plays an important role in my work. A large part of my work is exhibited in installation form, as this form allows me to present certain problematics in a more nuanced and indirect way, integrating many different aspects through the juxtaposition of objects. These installations create a context that constitutes a research-based social, cultural, historical, political or economic critique, as I explore their historical context and its perpetuation in depth. In other words, I am not only showing individual moments of the past, but also the complex interrelationships, coexistence and often ambiguous interconnections of knowledge systems and knowledge production. Indirectly, I also draw attention to how the different frames of contexts change perspectives or create constellations that undermine or even reinforce the order of things. Through aesthetics, I seek to understand and critique systems of power, i.e. biopolitics, knowledge production, or the geopolitical foundations of social realities.




2005 – 2010

DLA training, Doctoral School, Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest

1998 – 2003

Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts, Budapest


2024 –

1646 Experimental art Space, The Hague (NL)

2023 –

Finalist at Leopold Bloom Award

2019 – 2022

ACAX - Residency Unlimited, New York City (USA)

2019 –

Finalist at Esterhazy Art Award
Visegrad Artist in Residency, Bánska St a nica Contemporary, Banská Štiavnica (SK)

2018 –

Design Resistance, International Artist in Residence of Debrecen, MODEM, Debrecen
CHB Residency, Berlin, (D)

2017 –

Finalist at Esterhazy Art Award

2015 –

Finalist at Leopold Bloom Award

2012 –

Artist in residence at AtelierFrankfurt, Frankfurt am Main (D)

2010 –

Hungarian Eötvös Scholarship – Germany

2009 – 2012

Derkovits Gyula Scholarship

2009 –

Hungarian Eötvös Scholarship – Germany

2007 –

Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Rome (IT)
Essl Award 2007, 1st prize

2003 –

Erasmus Scholarship – Akademie der Bildenden Künste München (D)



Regnum et Gloria, Kisterem, Budapest
Suspension of Disbelief – with Krisztián Kristóf and Dominika Trapp, Museum of Ethnoghraphy, Budapest


The Future of the Past is the Present - with Márton Nemes, American Hungarian Library and Historical Society, New York (USA)


Disconnected, Kisterem, Budapest


Everything is Ours!, Kassák Museum, Budapest
The Gardener’s Truth, Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin (D)


Dream of a Barn Owl, Kisterem, Budapest
Melancholy of the Deconstructed Meaning, Art Gallery Paks, Paks


Taxography - with Anna Zilahi, Labor, Budapest
Monument Inflation, Művészetek Háza-Utcagaléria, Veszprém


Recollection - with Áron Kútvölgyi-Szabó and Martin Piacek, OFF Biennále Budapest


The Bauxite Crisis, Kisterem, Budapest


Descriptio, Fuga Galéria, Budapest Center of Architecture, Budapest


Never Take a Trip Alone, Moholy-Nagy Studio gallery, CHB, Berlin (D)


Never Take a Trip Alone, NextArt Galéria, Budapest


p, Cultural Institute Of The Republic Of Hungary, Bratislava (SK)
H.W.A.Á. – Free your mind, with Heidi Wood, Stúdió Galéria, Budapest


decoder, NextArt Galéria, Budapest


Mechanikus Paradicsom [Clockwork Paradise] – with Ádám Szabó, INDA Galéria, Budapest


As If, Menü Pont Galéria, Műcsarnok-Kunsthalle, Budapest
Identify Yourself, Csikász Galéria, Művészetek Háza, Veszprém



C80 – Aesthetics of Cancer?, Semmelweis University, Budapest
IN MARGINE: Frame, Plinth, Vitrine, 8smička - zóna pro umění, Humpolec (CZ)


No Gray Zones, Voloshyn Gallery, Miami (USA)
Leopold Bloom Award, Kiscelli Múzeum


Smaller Worlds: Diorama in Contemporary Art- Ludwig Museum - Museum of Contemporary Art Budapest
Space - Alternate cosmoses, M21 Galéria, Pécs
Emplotment, Ludwig Museum, Budapest
The Man Who Stepped into Paint, MKE PROFIL, Budapest
OUR HERITAGE: Selection from the Balázs-Dénes Collection, Q Contemporary, Budapest


Invisible Spectra, Pannonhalmi Főapátság, Pannonhalma
Sketch, Kisterem, Budapest
Universum – SEFO 2021 Triennial, Olomouc Museum of Art, Olomouc (CZ)
European Glass Context, Bornholm Art Museum, Bornholm (DK)


Finally We Can Learn Something, Kincsem Palace (organised by Kisterem), Budapest
Everywhere good, but.., MODEM - Modern and Contemporary Arts Centre, Debrecen


Esterházy Art Award Hungary 2019, Ludwig Museum – Contemporary Art Museum
Listing VIII., Kisterem


Form Creation Strategies, Labor, Budapest
Zeitgeistlos, Hans Knoll Galerie, Vienna (AT)


Westkunst – Ostkunst. A new collection display, Ludwig Museum – Museum of Contemporary Art, Budapest
Flying Kayak, OFF-Biennale Budapest
Generosos animos labor nutrit, Omnivore Gallery, Budapest


Przesilenie / Solstice / Napforduló, Panel Contemporary, Budapest
What kind of creature is an artist? – The 2016 Traditional Annual Exhibition of the Studio of Young Artists’ Association (SYAA, Budapest)
PHOTO / MODEL, Images between Art and Nature, Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Budapest


Papier / Paper V – ZEICHNUNG, Clement and Schneider, Bonn (D)
Mindsets, Studio of Young Artists’ Association (SYAA), Budapest
Leopold Bloom Award, Új Budapest Galéria-New Budapest Gallery, Budapest
Hungarian and International Art from Private Collections in Hungary, 2010–2014, Új Budapest Galéria-New Budapest Gallery, Budapest


THE MOST – The FKSE’s 2014 Traditional Annual Exhibition, Budapest
[silence] – A Holocaust Exhibition, Ludwig Museum, Budapest
Pensive Pictures, Good bye! Fantasztikus földrajz és képzelt közösségek, Higgs Field, Budapest
Szabadkéz [Free-hand] , MODEM, Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ, Debrecen


Shifts. Hungarian Art After 1945. Rearranged permanent exhibition, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Fantastic Stuff, Kisterem, Budapest
Rajz.Ok [Drawing.Ok], Viltin Galéria, Budapest


Artist in Residence-International Künstleraustausch 2012 – Kulturamt Frankfurt am Main, Atelierfrankfurt (D)
Másodfokú Egyenletek [Quadratic Equtions], Kepes Institute, Eger


Profile Budapest, Galerie Schuster, Berlin (D)
Magáért Beszél [Speaks for itself], Magyar Nemzeti Galéria-Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
Senior, Studió Galéria, Budapest


Donumenta 2010, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie, Regensburg (D)
Anatomy of a Street, London Festival of Architecture, London (UK)


Free Artwork, ODY – C2001, Paris (FR)
JCE Biennial of Contemporary Art, Montrouge (FR)
Pixelek [Pixels], Ernst Múzeum, Budapest


Lenmechanika [Mechanics of the Canvas], Ernst Múzeum, Budapest
Tetszőleges lényeg – A táj 2000 után [Optional essence – Landscape after 2000], Szombathelyi Képtár, Szombathely
Rundgang der SpinnereiGalerien Leipzig, LADA 2008, Leipzig (D)
Essl Award. Junge Kunst in Mittel- und Südosteuropa, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg (D)
Nem Kötelező [Not compulsory], Stúdió Galéria, Budapest


2007 Essl Award Winners, Essl Museum, Wien/Klosterneuburg (AT)
Hírtelen [Newsless], Dorottya Galéria, Budapest
10 Essl Award Nominees, Ludwig Museum-Contemporary Art Museum, Budapest


Vorfahrt- Kunst im Spannungsfeld zwischen Privatheit und Öffentlichkeit, Stuttgart (D)


Élő struktúrák [Living Structures], Ateliers Pro Arts/ A.P.A!, Budapest


Grafika – Foto – Grafika [Graphic – Photo – Graphic], Ateliers Pro Arts / A.P.A.!, Budapest
La Grafica Ungherese del ‘900, Finale Ligure (IT)


‘Roma – Budapest: due Accademie a confronto’, Galleria Il Quadrato di Omega, Roma (IT)
Albert Ádám, Huszár László, Varga Bálint’s exhibition, Művészetek Háza, Szombathely


Ludwig Museum – Contemporary Art Museum, Budapest
Hungarian National Gallery, Contemporary Art Collection, Budapest
MODEM – Modern and Contemporary Art Center, Debrecen
House of Arts, Veszprém

Artwork in public space
Central European Research Institute for Art History, Budapest





Lépold, Zsanett: Gavrilo Princip álma [Gavrilo Princip’s dream], Artmagazin online

András, Edit: From the future of the past – artistic progress thinking and the dream of an enlightened society, Springerin, 2018/4, pp 44-47

Altmann, Susanne: Lines unfaithful, Art Das Kunstmagazin, 2018/9, pp 38-51

Ádám Albert at Art Gallery Paks – Art Viewer, March 15, 2017

Ádám Albert at Kisterem – Art Viewer, March 31, 2017

„Mikroszinten is ismétli magát a történelem” – Albert Ádám, képzőművész, Artportal, 2018. 06. 06. 

Magányos növény az ember, Artportal, 2018. 07. 01. 

With a Blind Map in Our Hands: Contemporary Hungarian Art and the Anthropocene, Artportal, 2018. 12. 12.

Albert Ádám: The gardener’s truth, Balkon

Ádám Albert | Melancholy of the Disconstructed Meaning | Dream of a Barn Owl, Balkon, 2017.04.23.

The Best and Worst of Art in Central Europe in 2018, BLOK Magazine, 9 January 2019
